Jonathan Lewis Seward (lahir di Huntington Beach, California, Amerika Serikat, 8 November 1984; umur 26 tahun), lebih dikenal dengan nama Johnny Christ, adalah bassis dari Avenged Sevenfold. Johnny Christ adalah bassis keempat yang bergabung dengan Avenged Sevenfold ditahun 2002 menggantikan personil sebelumnya yaitu Dameon Ash dan Justin Sane. Dia dibesarkan di Huntington Beach, California. Johnny adalah adik dari teman sekolah Synyster Gates.
The Rev
James Owen Sullivan, (lahir 9 Februari 1981 – meninggal 28 Desember 2009 pada umur 28 tahun; lebih dikenal dengan nama The Rev atau The Reverend Tholomew Plague) adalah seorang drummer sekaligus penyanyi latar untuk grup musik Avenged Sevenfold. The Rev juga menjadi lead vocal pada grup musik Pinkly Smooth.
Ia memperoleh sepasang stik drum pada usia lima tahun, dan menerima drum sendiri pada usia sepuluh. Hanya dalam waktu satu tahun, dia sudah bermain "The Black Page" dengan mahasiswa dalam ansambel perkusi yang dilakukan oleh gurunya.
Di SMA, bergabung Avenged Sevenfold sebagai salah satu anggota pendiri band ini. Sullivan adalah drummer band ska band Suburban Legends. Pada usia delapan belas tahun dia merekam album pertama dengan Avenged Sevenfold berjudul "Sounding the Seventh Trumpet". Kemudian dalam hidupnya ia dipengaruhi oleh drumer Vinnie Paul, Mike Portnoy, dan Terry Bozzio. Dia bahkan memiliki pengaruh "visual", Tommy Lee, di mana ia berkomentar bahwa "Saya tidak menyangka akan memiliki salah satu dari mereka." Kemampuan Sullivan yang disebutnya "'The Double-ride' adalah suatu teknik yang dapat didengar pada lagu" Almost Easy "di mana dia bermain ganda sampai pada tempo cepat antara double bass dan cymbal naik. Perusahaan drum "Drum Workshop" mengesahkan The Rev dan berkata dia bisa punya drum yang ia inginkan, sehingga ia memilih double bass drum, yang ia lebih pilih daripada double bass pedal. The Rev tidak hanya bermain drum, dia adalah vokalis, pencipta lagu, dan pianist untuk Avenged Sevenfold juga. Keterampilannya sebagai seorang pianis dapat didengar pada lagu "Warmness In Soul" di mana bagian pianonya adalah fokus utama dari lagu yang mencakup solo ditulis oleh The Rev. Vokalnya ditampilkan dalam "Avenged Sevenfold A Little Piece of Heaven "," Brompton Cocktail "," Gunslinger "," Lost ", dan" afterlife". Pengetahuannya tentang gitar dan piano untuk menulis lagu-lagu" "Almost Easy," A Little Piece of Heaven ", "afterlife" dan "Brompton Cocktail" yang muncul di album Avenged Sevenfold selfl-titled. Dia juga memberikan kontribusi untuk pembuatan "Critical Acclaim" dan "Lost". Band ini menjadi sangat populer dan memenangkan MTV Music Award untuk Best New Artist pada tahun 2006. Dan pada tahun 2009, dalam jajak pendapat dari beberapa drumer terbesar di dunia yang dilakukan oleh Majalah Rhythm, The Rev mendapat tempat sebagai drumer ke 41 terbesar sepanjang masa, dan ia termasuk pemain Drum terhebat di dunia yg berada di urutan ke-9.
Zacky Vengeance
Zachary James Baker (lahir 11 Desember 1981; umur 29 tahun; lebih dikenal dengan nama Zacky Vengeance) adalah seorang pemain gitar dan penyanyi latar dari grup musik Avenged Sevenfold.
Kehidupan Pribadi
Zacky adalah anak sulung, mempunyai saudara perempuan yang bernama Zina, dan saudara laki-laki bernama Matt. Orangtuanya bernama James dan Maria. Zacky mempunyai pacar bernama Gena Paulhus.
Zacky memelihara anjing yang diberi nama Ichabod Crane Vengeance.
Pada DVD Avenged Sevenfold yang berjudul All Excess, Zacky mengatakan bahwa sebelum dia memasuki Avenged Sevenfold, dia sempat menjadi anggota dari grup musik beraliran punk rock bernama MPA atau Mad Porno Action yang gagal mencapai sukses. Maka itu Zacky dan M. Shadows membentuk Avenged Sevenfold.
Zacky mempelajari cara bermain gitar ketika dia berumur tiga belas tahun. Dia belajar secara otodidak. Gitar yang pertama kali ia gunakan adalah gitar ayahnya.
Synyster Gates
Brian Elwin Haner, Jr. (lahir di Huntington Beach, California, Amerika Serikat, 7 Juli 1981; umur 29 tahun) atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Synyster Gates adalah seorang musisi dan gitaris untuk grup musik Avenged Sevenfold.
Kehidupan Pribadi
Brian adalah anak pertama. Dia mempunyai adik bernama Brent, Johnny, dan McKenna. Ayahnya, Brian Elwin Haner Sr. (biasa dipanggil dengan nama Papa Gates), adalah seorang pelawak dan gitaris professional. Ibu kandungnya bernama Jan. Ibu tirinya, Suzy Haner, adalah seorang ahli hipnotis.
Orang tua Brian cerai ketika Brian berumur sepuluh tahun. Dua tahun kemudian, ayahnya menikah lagi dengan Suzy.
Brian mempunyai seorang pacar bernama Michelle DiBenedetto, saudara kembar dari tunangan M. Shadows, Valary DiBenedetto. Brian dan kekasihnya memelihara anjing yang diberi nama Pinkly.
Akhirnya Brian menikah Dengan Michelle pada 7 May 2010 di Mexico
Brian mendapatkan gitar pertamanya dari nenek dan kakeknya. Salah satu lagu pertama yang ia pelajari adalah lagu Stairway to Heaven karya Led Zeppelin. Ketika Brian duduk di kelas 6, ia sudah bisa menebak chord dari sebuah lagu hanya dengan menggunakan pendengarannya. Setelah Brian diberi gitar, dia mengatakan bahwa sekolah sudah tidak ada gunanya. Nilai bagus hanya dia peroleh sampai ia duduk di kelas 4.
Brian memasuki grup musik Avenged Sevenfold sebagai gitaris ketika ia berumur 18 tahun di akhir tahun 1999. Dia juga memainkan piano pada lagu "Beast and the Harlot" dan "Sidewinder".
M. Shadows
Kehidupan Pribadi
Matt sudah menikah dengan Valary DiBenedetto, saudara kembar dari pacar Synyster Gates, Michelle DiBenedetto. Matt bertemu Valary ketika mereka berada di kelas 6.
Pada masa kecilnya, Matt seringkali dikeluarkan dari sekolahnya karena dia berkali-kali melakukan kekerasan. Sebelum bernyanyi, Matt bermain bass. dan 3 kali operasi karena pita suara nya putus Matt di fonis dokter tidak bisa bernyanyi namun kenyataan nya di dapat bernyanyi hingga sekarang.
Awal karier Matt, ketika ia bergabung dengan band 'Succesful Failure' ia memainkan instrumen keyboard dan vokalis. Di tahun yang sama , Matt bergabung dengan Avenged Sevenfold bersamaan dengan Zacky Vengeance.
Situs Pendukung
avenged sevenfold
Avenged Sevenfold adalah band rock Amerika / metal dari Huntington Beach, California, yang dibentuk pada tahun 1999. Band ini terdiri dari vokalis M. Shadows, lead guitar Synyster Gates, Zacky Vengeance rhythm guitar, dan bassist Johnny Christ.
Avenged Sevenfold muncul dengan genre metalcore pada debut mereka Sounding the Seventh Trumpet, yang mengandung banya vokal scream. Band ini mengubah gaya mereka di album ketiga mereka dan rilis major label, City of Evil, yang menampilkan vokal melodis dan power ballad. Band ini terus mengeksplorasi suara baru dengan mengeluarkan yang berjudul Avenged Sevenfold dan menikmati kesuksesan mainstream lanjutan sebelum drummer mereka, James "The Rev" Sullivan, meninggal karena penyakit jantung dan dampak gabungan dari narkoba dan alkohol di tubuhnya pada tahun 2009. Meskipun kematiannya, band ini melanjutkan dengan bantuan kemudian mantan drummer Dream Theater Mike Portnoy untuk merilis dan melakukan tur dalam mendukung Nightmare, album kelima mereka pada tahun 2010 yang memulai debutnya di tempat atas, Billboard 200 yang berada di tempat pertama.
Sampai saat ini, Avenged Sevenfold telah merilis lima album studio, satu album live / kompilasi / DVD, dan enam belas single . Band ini telah menerima banyak penghargaan untuk kesuksesan mainstream di seluruh dunia mereka dan terutama dinyatakan sebagai salah satu pemimpin dan band kunci dalam New Wave of American Heavy Metal dan tampil sebagai tempat kedua di Atas Ultimate Guitar's Top Ten Band Decade.
Danger Line
My sixteen, locked and loaded
All fear has been aborted
You say the words and my weapon is drawn
This one could be my last time
Some people call it war crime
I may be staring down a lethal sight
(To die)
Nothing shocks you like a bullet hole
Leaving my fear on the danger line
Suffering a man should never know
Leaving my faith on the danger line
I do this for my family
My daughter loves her daddy
Too many talk down on things they don't know
With colors never faded
Reckless and unabated
They may take me but never take us all
(I'll crawl)
Nothing shocks you like a bullet hole
Leaving my fear on the danger line
Suffering a man should never know
Leaving my faith on the danger line
I know what you're thinking
I've been there before
So think of the times, the time we spent laughing away
So think of the times at home
(Life without a care)
Now I find myself in my own blood
(Never thought I'd lay in my own blood)
The damage done is far beyond repair
I never put my faith in up above
(Never had much faith in up above)
But now, I'm hoping someone's there
I never meant to leave this world alone
I never meant to hurt the ones who cared
And all this time I thought we'd just grow old
You know, no one said it's fair
Tell my baby girl that "It's alright"
I've sung my last song today
Remind the lord to leave his light on for me
I'm free

Now I think I understand,
How this world can overcome a man.
Like a friend we saw it through,
In the end I gave my life for you.
Gave you all I had to give,
Found a place for me to rest my head.
While I may be hard to find,
Heard there's peace just on the other side.
Not that I could,
Or that I would,
Let it burn,
Under my skin.
Let it burn!
Left this life to set me free,
Took a piece of you inside of me.
All this hurt can finally fade,
Promise me you'll never feel afraid.
Not that I could,
Or that I would,
Let it burn,
Under my skin.
Let it burn!
I hope it's worth it,
Here on the highway, yeah.
I know you'll find your own way when I'm not with you.
So tell everybody
The ones who walk beside me, yeah.
I hope you'll find your own way when I'm not with you tonight.
I hope it's worth it,
What's left behind me, yeah.
I know you'll find your own way when I'm not with you.
So tell everybody,
The ones who walk beside me, yeah.
I know you'll find your own way when I'm not with you tonight.Natural Born Killer
One snap for the dying
One click to end the day
Another story with a mangled scene
It couldn't happen any other way
You wanna talk about it?
I'm begging you to walk in my shoes anytime
Watch the clock 'til you unwind
You wanna cry about it,
It's making me consider that I lost my mind.
The way I see you must be blind
So this is the world you left behind
This is the guilt that consumes you
So die alone
This is the one thing that I won't do
So say your prayers
'Cause I ain't leaving here without you
Can't bribe me with money
Can't shower me with shame
Another killer from a broken home
Until you covered me with manic fame.
You wanna know about it,
But I'm a be fuckin' with you every time.
Story broke and you're behind
And when you ask about it,
You can rest assured I'll give you my best side
Seems we all have friends to find
So this is the hate I've been born to
Full are the tales of the untrue
So die alone
This is the one thing that I won't do
So say your prayers
'Cause I ain't leaving here without you
And I'm waiting
Waiting for the days to slowly pass me by
(and all the promises I'll find)
No hesitating,
You pull the trigger and your story's left behind.
(I know you wanna see me fry)
Like my soul you won't survive.
So die alone
This is the one thing that I won't do
So say your prayers
'Cause I ain't leaving here without you
To die unknown
Would crush the fish lens we all see through
To kill the glare
Expose the ugliness we hold true
save me
(They all know. They all know.)
Sorry, did I wake your dream?
Some questions run to deep
We only, only wake up when we sleep
Led by the lunar light, trouble's all we'd find
Lost our way tonight
Is it something we said?
Is it something we said to them?
Is it something we said?!
(Save me)
I'm trapped in a vile world
(Save me)
Where the end game's all the same as every other
We're only here to die
(Save me)
I'm losing my only dream
(Save me)
I can use some guiding light, some place to go
If you hear me, let me know
(They all know. They all know.)
Ever since the day you left my fate's been set unknown
How many years to walk this path alone?
So much to see tonight, so why'd you close your eyes?
Why can't I shut mine?
Is it something we did?
Is it something we did to them?
Is it something we did?!
(Save me)
I'm trapped in a vile world
(Save me)
Where the end game's all the same as every other
We're only here to die
(Save me)
I'm losing my only dream
(Save me)
I can use some guiding light, some place to go
If you hear me, let me know,
If you hear me, let me know
Help me find my way
I said help me find my way
No pulse inside of me
Stone cold lips and heresy
All lies and to a degree
Losing who I want to be
You'll find out right now
He may be out of his mind,
But some day you will find
That sanity's left us all blind
and dragged us all behind
A moment seen through those eyes,
Crystal blue disguise
They say that all beauty must die,
I say it just moves on
If you'd only open your mind
Then some day you will find
Insanity left us behind
and walked right through the door
I can see the pictures clear as yesterday
Pictures all my own
I can hear the voices begging you to stay
But know you're not alone
(Save me)
I'm trapped in a vile world
(Save me)
Where the end game's all the same as every other
We're only here to die
(Save me)
I'm losing my only dream
(Save me)
I can use some guiding light, some place to go
If you hear me, let me know,
If you hear me, let me know
Tonight we all die young
Tonight we all die young
Tonight we all die young
Tonight we all die young
Tonight we all die young
Tonight we all die young
Tonight we all die
Tonight we all die young!
(They all know. They all know.)
Sorry, did I wake your dream?
Some questions run to deep
We only, only wake up when we sleep
Led by the lunar light, trouble's all we'd find
Lost our way tonight
Is it something we said?
Is it something we said to them?
Is it something we said?!
(Save me)
I'm trapped in a vile world
(Save me)
Where the end game's all the same as every other
We're only here to die
(Save me)
I'm losing my only dream
(Save me)
I can use some guiding light, some place to go
If you hear me, let me know
(They all know. They all know.)
Ever since the day you left my fate's been set unknown
How many years to walk this path alone?
So much to see tonight, so why'd you close your eyes?
Why can't I shut mine?
Is it something we did?
Is it something we did to them?
Is it something we did?!
(Save me)
I'm trapped in a vile world
(Save me)
Where the end game's all the same as every other
We're only here to die
(Save me)
I'm losing my only dream
(Save me)
I can use some guiding light, some place to go
If you hear me, let me know,
If you hear me, let me know
Help me find my way
I said help me find my way
No pulse inside of me
Stone cold lips and heresy
All lies and to a degree
Losing who I want to be
You'll find out right now
He may be out of his mind,
But some day you will find
That sanity's left us all blind
and dragged us all behind
A moment seen through those eyes,
Crystal blue disguise
They say that all beauty must die,
I say it just moves on
If you'd only open your mind
Then some day you will find
Insanity left us behind
and walked right through the door
I can see the pictures clear as yesterday
Pictures all my own
I can hear the voices begging you to stay
But know you're not alone
(Save me)
I'm trapped in a vile world
(Save me)
Where the end game's all the same as every other
We're only here to die
(Save me)
I'm losing my only dream
(Save me)
I can use some guiding light, some place to go
If you hear me, let me know,
If you hear me, let me know
Tonight we all die young
Tonight we all die young
Tonight we all die young
Tonight we all die young
Tonight we all die young
Tonight we all die young
Tonight we all die
Tonight we all die young!
god hates us
You wanna hear my side?
You need to drown to know.
With all the times it hurt me to fuck you,
I built a wall with your blood to show!
Nothing to heal.
No one to break.
Pills had a role
Now there's nothing to take.
Nothing to trust.
No one to fake.
You'll find out sooner
That it's best if we just know our place
My infiltrated mind.
My lacerated soul.
It took me years, create me, control you.
I left myself for an idea I stole
You better take your time
You better take it slow
Cause when you seek the one
There's nothing left to show.
Flash Of The Blade
As a young boy chasing Dragons
with your wooden sword so mighty,
You're St. George or you're David and you always
killed the beast
Times change very quickly
And you had to grow up early
A house in smoking ruins and the bodies at your feet
You'll die as you lived
In a flash of the blade
In corner forgotten away
You lived for the touch
For the feel of the steel
One man, in his Honour.
The smell of resined leather
The sticky iron mask
As you cut and thrust and parried at the
fencing master's call
He taught you all he ever knew
To fear no mortal man
And now you'll reach your vengeance in the
Screams of evil man.
You'll die as you lived
In a flash of the blade
In corner forgotten away
You lived for the touch
For the feel of the steel
One man, in his Honour.
You'll die as you lived
In a flash of the blade
In corner forgotten away
You lived for the touch
For the feel of the steel
One man, in his Honour.
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